
State of the Polarized State

Speaking for Kids
Last night, Governor Snyder presented his third State of the State address to a Legislature that is still recovering from a bitterly divisive lame duck session.  The Governor attempted to…

It’s All About Relationships

Speaking for Kids
The elections are long over and the new Michigan Legislature was sworn into office last week.  The new legislature has quite a hefty task ahead of them with many unfinished…

Lame Duck, Why So Divisive?

Speaking for Kids
Lame duck.  The time after the elections before the new Legislature takes office.  A time when outgoing elected officials have minimal accountability.  A time when public policymaking can be particularly…

Strengthening Michigan’s Voices

Speaking for Kids
Dealing with the implication of the federal fiscal cliff, overhauling Michigan’s educational system, implementing health care reform, all with a new legislative session that includes new members, new committee chairs,…